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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Keeping fish as pets

There are hundreds of different kinds of fish that can be kept as pets. Goldfish are the most commonly kept pet fish because they live in cold water.
Tropical fish need to be kept in an aquarium with a filter to keep the
water clean. Some tropical fish need heated water and lights.

Pillow pets

For any person with small children, you will realize that embellish a child’s bed room is a fun, but difficult endeavor. It’s hard to attain that balance in between functionality and decoration; you want it to fit your child’s style without becoming as well over-the-top. Most of all, you would like it to be an enjoyable encounter that you enjoy and your little one has a say in. In the event you do it appropriate, you only have to do it as soon as, along with your youngster will adore it for a long time to come!

For starters, youngsters will need colour and a lot of it within their bedrooms. Now isn’t the time for you to profess your love of taupe and neutrals; it is for any child so attempt to think like one! If your kid is previous enough, ask them a couple of their preferred colours and attempt to work them in. If not, pick something fun and cheerful that can make both of the smile on entering.

Try to choose a fun theme and stick with it. As a lot as you are going for fun here, additionally you want there to be some basic cohesiveness instead of complete chaos. Often children love truck themes, sports, bikes, monsters and so on. Try to inquire them what they like and go wild discovering fascinating wallpaper and props to match!

You will want to ensure the space is flexible for a number of years, so you are not caught redecorating each 12 months. It’s no simple job and you will possibly desire to reduce the amount of instances you do it throughout the a long time. To begin, even so significantly storage you visualize your child needing (and most mother and father grossly underestimate this), double or triple it, area permitting. This way, even if they couldn’t possibly have sufficient toys to fill it up now, in a long time to arrive they are able to stick books, sports equipment and significantly far more, away in to the storage areas. Every time you are picking out an important item, for example a bed or desk, go for choices which have built-in storage currently available for you. It will make your lifestyle easier within the long term! Whenever you can, integrate the brand new theme in props and smaller decorations (for example, if their favorite colour suitable now is lime green and you suspect it may perhaps change in a long time to arrive, obtain a lime green rug or enjoyable stuffed-chair, instead of painting the whole space).

Friday, April 29, 2011

Horseback riding

Horseback riding can be exhilarating and fun and is one of the most absorbing hobbies to pursue and is thus gaining popularity everywhere. As hobby horse riding can be beneficial and very advantageous. Primarily riding a horse offers a different and welcoming way to experience the outdoors. Unlike driving a vehicle, horseback riding lets you see the surroundings from a different perspective. The fresh air, the warm sunlight, and the undeniable sound of leaves rustling are unmatched features of cantering on a horse which you simply can’t experience while driving a motorcycle or any locomotive.

Riding a horse can bring a person closer to nature; not just to the local terrain or countryside that you would just tread to with your horse but also to yourself, as a human being. Unlike moving about in a purely mechanical vehicle, the horse can help you travel as you can constantly communicate with it. Horseback riding can also be taught to people who just take care of them. Horseback riding is a very refreshing outdoor activity that can even be taught to little children. Riding a horse can become a good lesson for everyone as the responsibility of nurturing and caring for the horse can help you to connect with Mother Nature to a higher level.

Apart from imparting environmental and recreational advantages you can also benefit from horseback riding in terms of health. The health benefits connected with horseback riding are many. For one, horseback riding is an excellent cardiovascular workout. Horseback riding involuntarily improves the heart rate while you are engrossed in this recreational activity. Horseback riding also works up your lungs and improve respiration. Riding horses improves your posture since you are always on guard and cautious of controlling the horse. The correct posture is utmost important while you ride a horse in terms a safety and heath and this can prove beneficial in return. And lastly, riding a horse is a fun and an exuberating social activity.

Horseback riding can bring together people from different spheres of life as this hobby is pretty exclusive and for the enthusiasts only. It brings together people with a similar taste for life and can prove to be fun and frolic; it gives people the opportunity to share their experience of riding a horse.

Riding is just like any other sport such as soccer or tennis. It would be wrong to assume that it is a very sedentary activity as all you are really doing is sitting on the horse. It takes balance, strength and most importantly bravery to ride a horse or a pony. Horseback riding is a very thrilling experience and worth making a shot at. The freedom of cantering on a horse is not the only payoff this hobby has to offer but the very joy of sharing a special bond with an animal can do wonders.

So go ahead and learn how to gallop around with a horse and simply enjoy your self while you’re at it. Reap all the benefits this hobby has to offer.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Types of Rabbits

There are dozens of types or breeds of rabbits from all over the world. As a wild animal, rabbits are some of the most wide spread and successful mammals on earth, they breed young and produce large litters and in no time one rabbit can turn into 10, 20, even 100 rabbits. This success means more rabbits and more types to choose from if you are thinking of buying or adopting a pet rabbit for yourself. There is a great variety in rabbit breeds, almost as much as a dog or a cat. Some rabbits are teeny tiny like eternal baby bunnies and weigh only a couple pounds, others are huge floppy eared giants that will melt your heart with their cuteness. All breeds tend to have distinctions in personality and other traits as well.

Some of the most popular breeds for pets include the Dwarf Hotot, often simply known as the dwarf rabbit, though there are actually other dwarf breeds. They are known for being very docile with relatively short ears and soft dense fur. They weigh only 2-3 lbs and most make great pets for children as they tend to be very affectionate and sweet as well as playful and curious. Though older children are recommended, as the Dwarf Hotot are very small and can be handled too hard.

The Rex Rabbit, aka the Velveteen Rabbit, comes in two varieties the standard and mini. In either case they are known for their fur which is like velvet to the touch and are probably the most popular of all rabbit breeds. They are, unfortunately, often raised for fur which is a shame because they make a very great pet and come in a variety of beautiful colors. This is being more widely recognized and in the late century most Rex Rabbits are kept as pets not for meat or fur. They are good with kids and the does are known to make great mothers among the rabbit breeds and will even adopt other rabbits of the same or other breeds.

The weight of a Rex rabbit can range from 7-10 lbs for the standard and 3-4 lbs for the mini variety. Another popular breed that comes from Asia and whose fur humorously resembles that of a Siamese cat is the Himalayan. One of the oldest known domestic rabbit breeds, the Himalayan rabbit have a gentle temperament and are highly recommended for first time rabbit owners due their laid back nature. Himalayan is great with children and are easy to handle, they have a following all over the world. Their coat colors are pointed like that of a Siamese cat and come most commonly in chocolate, blue and lilac points. They look very slender for a rabbit, and usually only weigh 2-4 lbs, despite not being a dwarf or mini variety.

Housing for Your Rabbits

It is essential to have a proper place for your rabbits. You can have it both indoor and outdoor to make sure your rabbits enjoy sun or warmth in any weather. Some people spend a great deal of money on rabbit housing. Fancy cages and miniature rabbit homes can sell for hundreds. Although, a handy person can make them for a fraction of the cost. However, there's really no need to have an extravagant rabbit house. Your rabbits will not know the difference as long as you take care of him or her and provide them with the proper care and attention.

Here are basic tips for your rabbit housing. First of all, never keep your rabbit in a cage with a wire floor. There are no pads on rabbits' feet like the dogs or cats and the wire can cause pain and even permanent damage or disfiguration. So always use a cage with a solid floor of some kind and make sure there's plenty of soft bedding making sure there are no sharp objects. A large plastic cage with air holes will work best if you have other animals that can get to the rabbit. This way, their teeth and claws cannot penetrate the side of the cage.

The size of the cage should directly be attributed to how long a rabbit has to stay in there. If your rabbit needs to sleep in the cage overnight, a small cage with a litter box and a bedded area should be fine. If your rabbit however is to be in there for most of the day and only to be left out for a little while each day, a cage at least four times its size, with toys and ways to relieve it's boredom are needed. It is not recommended to keep rabbits in a cage all day long. They need to stretch out and socialize just like us. Leaving a bunny in its cage all day can lead to health problems as well, such as depression and even psychotic behavior and self mutilation.

Simply providing a romp in a rabbit proof room for a few hours a day can lead to a much better adjusted rabbit. Most rabbits do great on harness for a walk or just left to wander the house as they can easily be litter box trained and will learn to follow you around for entertainment and socializing. To make the rabbit's home more fun, you can hide some baby carrots or apple pieces as treats in rabbit toys. Rabbits will love the surprises. Leave the TV or radio on while you are gone to make the rabbit entertained while left alone.

Equipments You Need for Rabbit Breeding

Breeding rabbits is a great hobby that can also become a very profitable small business. The first step to successfully breed rabbits starts with stocking the right equipments. Having the right equipment will help your rabbits not only be more willing, not usually a problem, but healthier and better suited for sell.

The goal of rabbit breeding should not be just producing numerous little bunnies, but growing healthy rabbits that your prospective customers would seek for. These simple to follow tips will help anyone whether you are just starting out or you are a seasoned rabbit breeder.

Let’s start with the rabbit house or cage. Rabbit cages should be on average of two to three feet off the ground. This will help with keeping the rabbit house clean. It will also reduce labor time by reducing the need to bend over too much. Keeping the rabbit house clean is essential to your success in breeding rabbits. Meat rabbits must be healthy before processors will buy them. People looking for rabbits as pets would turn away immediately when they see filthy or diseased rabbits. Show rabbits must be exceptionally healthy and clean before any show.

To save money when you are first starting out, many people elect to buy cages, or rabbit hutches that need assembly. This is a great way to save some money. If you select to assemble your own rabbit house be sure to follow all instructions carefully. Loose wires are sharp and can kill the rabbits before you know there is a problem. While self cleaning metal cages are beneficial, keep in mind that rabbits are not birds and need some space with a solid bottom.

When selecting the water system many breeders just starting out use the manual waterers. These are typically similar to the ones seen in pet stores for gerbils and other small animals. As the number of rabbits increase, switching to a self-watering system can be a great time saver. It’s essential that the rabbits have twenty four hour access to clean water and food. Pregnant does especially need ample amount of fresh water.

The nest box is of obvious importance when breeding rabbits. Many new rabbit breeders have been known to lose several litters of kits because of the nest box. The nest box should be six to eight inches high on three sides and four inches on the front side. The lower side allows the pregnant doe easier access into and out of the nest box.

Ample clean and dry hay in and around the nest box is essential for the doe and kits comfort. The doe will arrange and rearrange the nest box until she is happy with it. Do not be alarmed if she also pulls some of her own fur out as well. She will use this to help line the nest for the kits.

Remember grooming supplies are also essential when breeding rabbits. You should also have the following items handy when breeding rabbits:

  • A brush to care for the rabbit’s fur.
  • A toe nail clipper to keep the nails trimmed.
  • Disinfectant for cleaning the rabbit houses.

Remember proper equipment can help you be a successful rabbit breeder. Keep these things on hand before and after you begin raising rabbits.

Feeding Rabbits Right

Rabbits are very sensitive creatures in many ways. They can literally die from fright and suffer from many nervous health problems and overheat easily. Also since they are small in size they can easily break bones or otherwise injure themselves if handled improperly. But one way that can really affect your rabbit’s well-being and even shorten its life span is improper feeding. This is not only feeding it the wrong foods, but also the wrong amounts or allowing the food to become moldy or otherwise spoiled.

Knowing what not to feed your rabbit can be as important as knowing what to feed him or her. Some foods that may seem natural to you or even be thought of worldwide as a great choice, can turn out to be bad for your bunny rabbit. Make sure to get plenty of books on rabbits and do your research before obtaining one. A very, very common food that people feed rabbits is lettuce. This is almost universally known as a favorite for rabbits, but lettuce actually contains lactucarium which can make your rabbit very sick or even kill it in large amounts. This happens because the lactucarium gives your bunny very bad diarrhea and works almost as a poison.

Other foods that you should avoid are cabbage for the same reason as lettuce, potatoes, and tomato leaves. Timothy hay is great to feed your bunny and a small selection of pellets as part of their everyday diet can be added as well. Never overfeed your rabbits and use the pellets as only a small part of their regular diet. Provide fresh hay, but only feed pellets once per day. Rabbits can also be fed treats such as carrots, apples and bananas semi-regularly but again only in small amounts. These treats can also be used to help train your rabbit to do tricks!

Overfeeding rabbits is a big problem and giving a rabbit too much food can not only lead to a rabbit becoming overweight but also usually makes rabbits sick and leads to vet bills as you wonder why your beloved bunny acts lethargic and keeps vomiting. Only pregnant does and very young rabbits need pellets down constantly and even hay should be kept up if you have a rabid over-eating bunny on your hands.

A big problem with feeding is that a rabbit may spill his water on his food and cause it to become moldy. So as soon as you notice soggy food, throw it away because it can make the bunnies very sick. You may also see your rabbit try to eat his or her own droppings. As disgusting as this sounds, it is done commonly in the wild. Also it does not mean there is anything wrong with your rabbit or its diet. However, keeping the rabbit's pen very clean will help to eliminate this behavior.

Tips on Breeding Rabbits

Rabbit breeding can be a great endeavor but it can also be a relaxing hobby as many lay rabbit breeders found out themselves. However, not many people know that it be a great way to make money as well. Here are some tips you should remember whether you are breeding rabbits for hobby or for profit.

Spayed or neutered rabbits tend to live longer and suffer from less disease, so if you have rabbits mainly as pets you may think about getting them fixed. Maybe after one or two litters you may wish to stop breeding your rabbit. In any case, if you do choose to breed rabbits, there are some things to think about beforehand.

Rabbits have been found in certain areas to be domesticated as early as the 1500's. Even earlier domestication can be credited to French Catholic Monks. They needed a meat during Lent that was permissible. Early rabbit breeders had to deal with a lot of issues that modern ones do not. One such issue as the wildness was not yet bred out of their rabbits. Through breeding selection and natural processes, we now have hundreds of coat colors and dozens of breeds of domesticated rabbits to choose from. What type of rabbit is right for you to breed is based on many things. For example location, especially if you choose to keep your rabbits outside. Also your personal preferences can influence which rabbit to breed is right for you.

Some people prefer more aloof breeds that may sell well but really need little affection to flourish, and others want the big snuggly bunnies to sit on their lap and only sell maybe one litter per year to only the best rabbit parents. Some basic things to consider regardless of your chosen breed of rabbit include choosing a breeding pair. That is a buck or male rabbit and a doe or female rabbit. They must be healthy of course and free of genetic mutations or diseases. This means purchasing your rabbits from a great breeder that will give you the family history of the rabbit.

Neither sex of rabbit should be either too nervous or too aggressive as these traits will be passed down to their offspring. Some breeds naturally display more of these characteristics than others and that should be taken into account when deciding between a feisty or just plain mean rabbit. Some rabbits were just not meant for breeding even if they are from a high quality stock and have good genes. A good breeder will not sell you these types of unsuitable animals but there may be signs you can look for yourself to determine this as well.

Ask the breeder questions such as how the doe or buck's mother did with her young. Were there any accounts of cannibalism or the mother abandoning the young? This trait can be genetic and may ruin your chances of successfully breeding and selling your kits. Other things to look for are a bad coat and malocclusion, or an improper alignment of the teeth as these will often also be passed down the genetic lines.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Pet is Part of the Family

Pets are Part of the Family and have the following rights.

1. We have the right to be full members of your family. We thrive on social interaction, praise, and love.

2. We have the right to stimulation. We need new games, new toys, new experiences, and new smells to be happy.

3. We have the right to regular exercise. Without it, we could become hyper, sluggish...or fat.

4. We have the right to have fun. We enjoy acting like clowns now and then; don't expect us to be predictable all the time.

5. We have the right to quality health care. Please stay good friends with our vet!

6. We have the right to a good diet. Like some people, we don't know what's best for us. We depend on you.

7. We have the right not to be rejected because of your expectations that we be great show dogs, watchdogs, hunters, or baby-sitters.

8. We have the right to receive proper training. Otherwise, our good relationship could be marred by confusion and strife and we could become dangerous to ourselves and others.

9. We have the right to guidance and correction based on understanding and compassion, rather than abuse.

10. We have the right to live with dignity...and to die with dignity when the time comes.

Commitment, Firmness, but kindness.

whats the best diabetic dog food for your pet?

Canine diabetes is on the rise, and it's important to know which of the diabetic dog foods to give your pet. Type 2 Diabetes affects dogs just like it does humans. If you simply treat the disease, and ignore the diet, it can end up costing your pet dearly. Many processed foods have little nutritional value and lots of salt and simple carbohydrates. This type of food, along with an inactive lifestyle, can lead to diabetes. The best thing you can do for your pet, to help ensure canine diabetes doesn't strike, is to ensure he eats a natural, balanced diet and gets plenty of exercise. Don't be fooled by dog food simply being labeled "diabetic". Not just any diabetic dog food will do. Keep in mind, the big commercial dog food producers, and the big box stores selling the food have a job to do, convincing you to buy their products.

Which diabetic dog food should I choose? It is hard to know who to believe, as even the experts have changed their minds on what is best for our pets. It used to be common thought that a high carbohydrate diet was the way to go. Now, it is recommended that we feed a low carb diet.

Below you will find three tips that will hopefully help you pick the best diabetic dog food for your precious pet:

1. GO NATURAL. Traditionally, dogs ate raw meat, eggs (including shells), and rotting vegetable matter. The reason dogs have historically done well on scraps and raw meat is because the modern manufactured commercial food for dogs that goes through intensive processing wasn't part of their diet. If you feed your dog natural ingredients, including sardines to give them essential fatty acids, you can help provide protection against an onset of diabetes and help give them a beautiful, shiny coat while providing them much needed nutrients.

2. STAY AWAY FROM DRY FOOD. Many dry foods are basically just simple carbohydrates and do not have the essential moisture needed for essential kidney health. Some dry diabetic dog food is healthy and safe for your dog, but these tend to be organic products and should be chosen carefully. You should not rely on dry diabetic dog foods alone to provide your pet a nutritious diet, but if they are high in vegetables and protein while low in simple carbs, there is no harm in including them.

3. PICK CANNED DOG FOOD THAT IS LOW SODIUM AND LOW CARBOHYDRATE. If you have to use canned diabetic food, it should be high protein, low sodium and low in carbohydrates. It needs to be organic and should not contain dangerous toxins. A dog suffering from diabetes has liver function that is compromised, and the immune system isn't able to deal with additives often contained in commercial diabetic dog foods.

Our modern western lifestyle is partially responsible for producing a diabetes epidemic for both humans and dogs alike. The fast food craze and commercial manufacturing process of our foods has been harmful to us as well as our four legged friends. The only way to fight this epidemic is to keep these processed foods out of our diets.

The Joy Of Pet Sitting

The Pet Industry is thriving. The idea travelled from the United States and now Britain’s pet owners are breathing a huge sigh of relief. No more wrestling Kitty into her cat box or marching Rover into an alien environment, where he may be exposed to contagious diseases, sickness or parasites. Granny would also be safe from the constant trips to empty the litter tray and water the roses, and the neighbours wouldn’t need to hide from the annual doorbell when next doors suitcases appeared down the drive!

For committed animal lovers this service is long overdue. It affords your pet the opportunity to continue their regular routine and eating habits, and owners can enjoy their annual sabbatical, in the knowledge that their home is being lived, plants watered, and gardens tended whilst they are away.

But what about the pet sitters themselves? For them it is an opportunity not to be missed. The joy of meeting old friends and making new ones. On four legs and on two! Leaving for work each day and experiencing a job satisfaction that some of us can only dream about. Indeed pet sitters will always concur that they would never do anything else!

True it is strictly a job for dedicated animal lovers, but let us also remember that this work does not stop on a Friday evening, to be returned to on Monday morning. There are no rest breaks to replenish their batteries! When the phone rings at 10 pm on a Sunday evening and its poor Granny who has forgotten her hip operation and is being hospitalised the following day, now panicking about poor Kitty sitting blissfully unaware in front of a roaring fire.

Oh and don’t forget Gertie the Guinea Pig, who has just been violently attacked by the Roger the Rabbit, who has happily shared her enclosure for the previous 2 years. Why have they chosen the first day of your sit to act out the Gunfight at the O.K. Coral?

As if the flood in Mrs Smith’s kitchen last week wasn’t bad enough, and the broken pump in Mr Brown’s pond which left 2 Koi Carp floundering in a couple of inches of water!

Yes, the pet sitting industry is booming, and those pet sitters will continue to whistle as they work, knowing that they really wouldn’t be anywhere else in the world, and that the holiday they were planning to take, well, that will have to wait yet another year!

Cat Health Problems

It is not easy to imagine that the graceful cat, that always falls standing, can have a serious health problem. Well, it does and the worst thing about it is that these problems are usually not obvious, but they can become serious. Cat food is one of the factors that can influence a feline’s health. If you do not use the right amount and composition, there can be unpleasant consequences for your cat.

Concerning the right type of cat food that we must buy and feed to our feline friend, we should mention some important things. Contrary to what most pet owners believe, it is not a good thing to vary what the cat is eating. These small animals grow used with different types of cat food more difficultly than you might think. Their digestive system does not assimilate easily new types of food.

The most reliable recommendation that one can have is to consult a vet before deciding on the amount and composition for the cat to ingest. This is necessary because there are certain factors that need evaluation before establishing a diet for a cat. Cat health is extremely fragile and if there are omissions and the cat’s organism does not benefit from the proper support to handle an active lifestyle, the most predictable consequence is dealing with some unpleasant cat health issues. Therefore, it is essential that you take every step necessary to have a guarantee for the proper development conditions for your cat. Make sure that it receives food properly, that it has enough room to exercise and, at home, monitor closely the cat’s drinking and toilette habits.

The most frequent cat health problem labels as cystitis and relates to the animal’s urinary tract. The irritation can determine the cat to urinate often and eliminate only small quantities of urine. This can be very painful for your pet. The vet will establish the treatment after identifying the cause. There are drugs and supplements that can help restore your cat’s health. In terms of cat food, it appears that it is better to feed the feline wet food, because this will not cause it to retain water nor will it encourage the formation of crystals in the urinary tract.

However, if your feline companion currently eats dry food for cats and you switch to wet food for cats, the risk to get cystitis remains and other problems can occur simply because the type of food is changed and the organism of the feline cannot adapt so easily. The estimation is that about 1% of the entire cat population suffers from cystitis. Though it may look insignificant, imagine that there are millions of cats in medium sized country. Now think twice when declaring your cat’s health state and arrange for a check up as soon as possible.

Another problem that is present not only at cats, but with dogs or horses as well, is worming. Different types of worms from the environment can invade the intestines of the cat. Cat health is not the only one affected in this case. This can also affect the cat owner, if he or she ingests the eggs of the worms. This can happen if the cat licks a bowl that the human eats from or if he or she is exposed to infested soil, possibly contaminated by the cat’s droppings.

For this affection, there are countless types of medicine for treatment. The cat food used should not undergo any modification. The animal needs strength to regain its health condition and the owner must take into consideration all that is recommendable to do, such as isolating your animal from other animals that could be infected and providing a clean, hygienically maintained place for the cat to eat and sleep. Cat health can be rather fragile, but with the right amount of cat food and the recommended composition, there are better chances for it to be intact always.

Cause And Prevention Of Algae

Are you having algae problems in your fish tank?

Well some of the most common reason people have algae problems are simple things to fix. Here is a list of reasons why you could be having algae problems:

The most common issue resulting in algae growth is a direct result of your fish tank placement. Never have your tank sitting in direct sunlight.

The norm for light length should be around 10-12 hours a day. For plants there are many other factors to take in to consideration.

Another of the most important factors to think about is your fishes food, and how much your giving them. You don't want to have a lot of it falling and rotting on your substrate.

Fourth, temperature, try to keep the tank a little on the cool side if possible. The high heat will allow for the algae to grow faster, so look at what temperature your tank is at if your having algae problems.

The last thing that you want to do to help rid the algae problem in your fish tank is to buy some kind of an algae eater. A pleco is good if you own a pond but other then that I wouldn't recommend getting one. They get to huge sizes of 2 feet or bigger, and can become aggressive towards other fish and plants as they get older. I would recommend a oto cat, or a Chinese algae eater. The Chinese algae eaters don't get much bigger then 5 inches, I think that it's more of a legend that they gt to 11''. But if your worried just get an oto cat.

European Dobermann Pinschers

The Doberman Pinscher was originally produced in Germany as a personal protector for individuals and families, and for police and military work. Throughout Europe, this is still the case. Here the Doberman, or Dobermann as it is spelled, is viewed as a dog primarily for protection work and is breed with the intention of maintaining the traits needed in a protection dog, usually termed 'workability'.

In fact, before a Doberman's offspring can be registered in Europe, one of its parents must hold a Schutzhund title. Schutzhund is German for 'protection dog' and refers to a system for testing dogs of working breeds for workability. It has also grown into a popular sport in Europe and somewhat throughout the United Stated, although the American Kennel Club (AKC) does not allow its affiliates to sanction Schutzhund trials.

Under the common European and German philosophy, the Doberman is a compact dog untouchable by anyone but its owner, handler, or family. He must be strictly obedient under all circumstance and is expected to meet threats with all-out aggression.

It is understood and accepted that the Doberman Pinscher is a real physical danger to anyone approaching the Doberman's home or family in a threatening way. Understand, the European Doberman, like all healthy and properly socialized Dobermans, is not vicious. A mindless attack dog is not the goal of Schutzhund- the opposite in fact. A mindless attacker is useless in protection work.

The ideal protection Doberman is clam and friendly- until a threat is revealed. Then he will emit loud warning barks and keep himself between his handler and the threat, not pulling or leaving his handler. Only when the threat attacks, or when he is commanded, will the ideal protection Doberman attack. This is the goal of preserving the working traits and a priority in European and German Doberman Pinscher breeding.

American Doberman Pinschers Focus on Pets and the Show Ring

The main difference between American and European Doberman breeding is human social attitude. In the United States, where litigation involving dog bites is as rampant as irresponsible dog owners, the common consensus seems to be that only 'vicious' dogs bite.

This was no more evident than when the United Doberman Club was formed in the US after the AKC decision to disallow Schutzhund due to the protection phase which involves bite work. The United Doberman Club currently holds Schutzhund trials under the auspices of the American Working Dog Federation.

Also making this misguided social view starkly evident are the Breed Specific laws that have been proposed, and many passed, in an effort to reduce dog bites. Advocates of Breed Specific legislation ignore the real cause of dog bite, irresponsible people, and place the blame not only on the dog, but on specific breeds of dog. This is unfair but more importantly, it is ineffective. Breed Specific laws will not and do not fix the problem.

Regardless of popular attitude, many Doberman owners and breeders in the United States still work to maintain the working traits in the Doberman and participate in Schutzhund.

Partially due to the popular attitude and partially due simply to Americas love of different aspects of the dog, the goals of most Doberman breeders in America are for the production of pet or companion dogs, and show dogs.

One of the reasons the Doberman is so popular in the US is that it is such a loving, gentle, and devoted companion dog who fits exceptionally well into the busy American family. Quality breeders focused on producing the Doberman as a companion are most concerned with health and temperament. However, the temperament most companion Doberman breeders look for is a general sure and friendly temperament.

In the US there are no temperament tests required for registering a Doberman litter; certainly not anything approaching the intensity or required human dedication as with Schutzhund trials. This lack of temperamental standardization has allowed irresponsible breeders to register their ill planned litters, which has contributed to the degradation of the Doberman breed. Irresponsible breeders have further degraded the Doberman breed by placing their puppies with who ever offers money. This has placed the Doberman in the hands of irresponsible owners who have neglected the Doberman's needs, such as training and socialization, creating troubled and dangerous Dobermans.

This irresponsible branch of Doberman production in the US is certainly the main cause of the misguided American attitude toward the Doberman. Also contributing are the many movies and video games depicting the Doberman as vicious.

Regardless of temperament standards, quality breeders in the US maintain exceptional standards on their own for the temperament of their breeding Dobermans. Quality breeders are highly discriminative when placing their puppies; they will only place them in homes that have shown their willingness and ability to properly care for a Doberman.

This dedicated type of Doberman breeder, often called master breeder, is the guardian of the Doberman breed. Their breeding is well planned with goals of contributing to and improving the Doberman breed.

These dedicated master breeders have produced some of the healthiest and beautiful Dobermans in the world and have grown a strong branch of quality Doberman lines in the US, often including German imports. Dobermans from this branch, in comparison to their European counterparts are gorgeous, the super-models of the Doberman world. They are longer lived, and possess the same distinctive Doberman temperament but slightly sweeter and friendlier; a soft temperament by European standards.

This awesome branch of American Dobermans has taken over the US show ring, no longer referred to as guard or protection dogs but as family companions.

Also producing quality American Dobermans, but contributing less to the Doberman breed, are breeders focused on show dogs. The problem with these breeders is just that, they are focused on show confirmation- not health and temperament.

The differences between the European and American Doberman Pinscher has caused some people to suggest that the breed be split. However, any guardian of the Doberman breed will fight such a foolish idea. Doing so would drastically reduce the already small quality gene pool and would likely further reduce the American Doberman's working traits further.

Dog training

Not every dog owner sees the need for dog training Not every dog owner sees the need for dog training classes. Some have a lot of experience with pets. They have an understanding of basic dog training and they don’t want or realize they can have more than that.

Each dog has an unlimited learning potential and the more they learn the happier they can be. The right training classes will help your dog meet their full potential and lead to a better relationship between you and your dog.

So what happens when you don’t get training classes for your dog? Everything will probably seem OK. Especially if you have had pets before, you will probably know enough to teach your dog basic obedience and a few tricks.

However, it is what you don’t notice that can mean you do not have the best possible relationship with your dog. When your dog does not reach its full potential, you may start to make compromises or excuses for certain behaviours.

For example, maybe you love it when you come home and your dog jumps up to greet and lick you, but when he or she does the same to visitors, you try to use some discipline and explain that your dog is just happy to see them. While they might politely smile, most people, even close family and friends, probably don’t like it when your dog jumps on them.

Your dog has the potential to know that they can jump up on you, but not on visitors. It might seem like a small point, but it can have major benefits.

Imagine you enroll your dog in a training class and your dog learns to jump up only on you and not visitors. Now, every time someone comes over, you will have a stronger sense of pride in your dog’s behaviour, and your dog will feel more confident and happy that they have pleased you.

Just one small change in behaviour and you have a better relationship with your dog. Now imagine how much better the relationship will be with everything else you and your dog learn from a training class.

But, not all dog training classes are created equal, and you and your dog might have particular needs that may be better met by one class and not another. So how do you know which training class will work best for you and your dog?

You need to determine exactly what you want from a class. Puppies need to be taught differently to fully-grown dogs. If your dog has behavioural or obedience problems, you will need a class that corrects the bad behaviour and replaces it with good behaviour.

Next, you need to find the right class for your needs. Talk to your veterinarian or family and friends with dogs who have been to training classes. The internet is also a good source of information. You may even want to look in on some classes to get a better fell for whether or not it is a good fit for you and your dog.

It may be a bit of work, it will pay off when you start having a better relationship with your dog than you thought possible.

Dog Aggression Training

Dogs are a naturally aggressive species. Before domestication, aggression was extremely handy for dogs. Dogs must have aggression to hunt, to defend their food, to mate, etc...

But, that doesn't mean that we must be unable to help in the aspect of training the dogs we own. There are steps we can take to stop aggression from rearing it's head.

One particular form of dog aggression is the aggression directed at strangers. The method of accustoming your dog to society and it's strange people is referred to as "socialization". This is a very important segment of training your dog. It means exposing it from a young age to a wide variety of happenings, people, and animals.

When socializing your dog, you're getting him to understand through experience that unfamiliar sights and sounds can be good, instead of dangerous. To socialize your dog can be more of a general lifestyle instead of a specific method. This involves simply spending more time interacting with your dog around unfamiliar territory.

Aggression towards family members should be treated in a different way. Aggression towards family members is indicative that the dog is feels the need to defend a imagined threat (you). Or, it isn't comfortable with the treatment it is receiving from it's surroundings. Sometimes this is called "resource guarding".

Resource guarding is a common trait among dogs. It is in reference to aggressive-possessive behavior shown your dog. Resource guarding is a old form of dominant behavior . If a dog viewed itself as bottom of the pack hierarchy, it would not imagine exhibiting aggressive or dominant behavior directed towards a higher ranked member of the pack.

The most effective training method for aggressive/dominant dog behavior is consistent, constant obedience practice. That can make clear your authority over the dog. Schedule obedience sessions short and productive . No horse-playing and no foul behavior.

Dogs display aggression for a reason. It is vital to progress slow with a dog's obedience/aggression training. For complete knowledge on handling aggressive dog behavior, handling disobedient dog behavior, in addition to all other dog behavior, training, and care answers, it is a good idea to obtain a high-quality dog training book to train your dog correctly.

want to adopt a yorkie?

The judgment to adopt a Yorkie must not be taken carelessly. It is a very huge obligation and you have to be certain of before you act. There are some necessities that you have to meet prior to you can adopt a yorkie, like, you have to be at least 18 years of age so as to adopt. It is also essential to prove that you are monetarily established and have an appropriate home atmosphere.

Yorkie rescue Organizations will want to make certain that the home a Yorkie will go to will be the correct home.

As you also well know the cost of purchasing a yorkie is very high. If you make your mind up to move ahead with an adoption, the cost linked with this will not be very soaring. Rescue organizations will look forward to you to pay a donation consecutively for them to be able to continue operation. These adoption expenses will cover up the medical expenses, food and shelter of the dog at the same time as it was residing at the rescue. The expenses will vary as per the dog and the organization. Though do look ahead to pay a minimum of $500.

Following are few things which you should know before adopting a Yorkie:

1. The Yorkie is a very courageous dog and is always ready to put itself at risk for you. It demonstrates huge kindness towards its owner and is everlastingly faithful to you. With this type of strong qualities the Yorkie is a very self-governing dog inside the house. It will come and go as it gratifies and will examine every corner and crack it perhaps can.

2. Yorkie necessitates a lot of grooming. Grooming a Yorkie can be very time taking and requires to be done if you don’t like your Yorkie’s matt coat to turn into a mess. If you can’t give to the recurrent brushing that is essential to stay away from this then you will have to in any case give to trimming your yorkies coat and keeping it tidy and in the pink.

3. The Yorkie is an energetic breed however does not require much of exercise. They are very dynamic indoors and will thrive as apartment dogs. A yorkie on the other hand, will gain from ordinary prospects to run and play. Their high energy level reveals that they will take pleasure in playing games and going out for walks.

4. Yorkies are loving dogs on the other hand they are not as expected good with kids. A yorkie which has been exposed to kids as a puppy and brought up with them should be all right. Actually, at times the trouble lies in the truth that small children are not conscious that they can with no trouble hurt these little dogs. So, it is recommended that yorkies and kids are always controlled.

5. Male and female Yorkies have dissimilar characters. Female Yorkies are loving, however on a dissimilar level to male Yorkies. They get pleasure from lap attention and abundance of commotions. Male Yorkies are more friendly dogs. They do not have a propensity to shy away from guests and like their occurrence to be known. They get pleasure from playing on a more daily basis and do so with an immense craving for fun.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Best companion

One thing is for sure. We can always rely on our pets for comfort, companionship, and to listen, apart from all the other things. Although they don’t respond when we tell them how we are feeling, it is just the fact that we are letting these feelings out instead of bottling it up inside that makes these animals the greatest listeners and the best friends. They have patience, and we can always rely and depend on them to be there when we need them most. That is the greatest thing about our pets. Yes, they can cause a mess in the living room or the backyard, but hey, they are our best friends. They never judge us. We can be black, white, yellow, pink or brown, these faithful animals will never judge our skin color.

There are so many things you can teach your beloved pet, and here all your questions are answered. Learn about your pet’s habits and know exactly why they are the way they are certain times of the year. There is a reason for everything, and once you learn how to teach your buddy to sit he will be able to help you understand why. Apart from finding handy hints about your cat or dog you can also find many other handy tips for other pets, for example solving the algae problem in your fish tank and also learning about the Hermit crabs and the different types if you are considering petting these.

There is just so much you can learn, especially if you want to prevent arthritis in your dog. This is possible, even if others say that it is something that cannot be stopped. There is a solution to everything. If you want you could also find out how you could train your new puppy for your home so that it knows what is wrong and what is right. Fleas are always a problem when it comes to our cats and dogs. Fleas can be picked up anywhere. It is just something out of your control. However, you can find tips on how to control these bloodsucking insects and have your best friend feeling comfortable as possible.

Although our pets are animals that do not resemble us in any way or form, these beloved creatures are no different from us. We don’t judge them and they don’t judge us. They can sense our pain and sadness and also know when we are happy. It is easy for us to sense these things in them, too. They share the exact emotions as we do. We want companionship and just a friend and this is how they feel. We can get through life without a few things, but we cannot get through life without our pets. These animals were not put here for us to feed and give a place to sleep. They were put here simply because we need them here. If these beautiful animals were not here, we would be the most miserable people on the planet. That is the truth.

How to Treat Diabetes in Dogs

A dog's body contains beta cells, which produce insulin to control the level of glucose. Glucose is important as it provides energy. When these beta cells produce insufficient insulin, the glucose will begin to pile up resulting into high blood level. This could prove dangerous and lead to diabetes. The disease is rare to occur in dogs but if left unattended, can increase the number of diabetic dogs. There is no specific cure for diabetes, but preventing or treating it well can increase the lifespan of the dog.

Responding to the ill health of the dog can save him from suffering weakness in legs, cataracts, dehydration and death. So far, there are two forms of diabetes that are detected in dogs, namely, Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus. Before learning on how to treat diabetes in dogs, it is essential to notice the symptoms of the disease.
  • Polydipsia: It's a medical term used to indicate the excessive thirst, which is found in diabetes struck living beings. This is the first symptom towards diabetes and occurs due to lack of fluids in the body.
  • Polyuria: It's a condition, where a diabetic suffers from frequent urination. In this case, there might be excessive excretion of urine within a day.
  • Polyphagia: It's a medical condition where there might be consumption of more food compared to the regular consumption.
  • Cataracts: It makes the eyesight poor leading to loss of vision.
Treating Diabetes

Early treatment of the disease, can avoid further complications such as cataracts. There are many natural and medical ways of treating this disease, but most importantly it should be monitored well. Though the disease cannot be cured, many can manage it and live a good life. It is even more manageable in dogs as their day to day activities are easier to supervise. To start with, begin with the diet of your dog. Diabetes is mainly related to obesity and improper diet. Therefore, just like we humans, modify and regulate the eating habits of your dog. Feed him fiber rich food, which contains less sugar levels and help in controlling the blood sugar level too. Plan a certain eating pattern for your dog and stick to it. A little change in the eating time, might create problems for the dog. The body has to adjust to a certain eating pattern and must be fed on time. According to some researches, apple cider vinegar helps in controlling the production of insulin. Intake of this vinegar can help show the result of the medication faster too. Adding natural herbs in the food or making the dog drink herbal juice can prove efficient for your dog, as herbs contain natural healing powers.

In case of medical treatment, keeping the dogs on insulin is more effective. There are many types of insulin available for treating diabetes in dogs. Take the help of the veterinarian, to help you select the right and efficient insulin. Vetsulin is among the common insulin induced into the dogs to produce sufficient insulin to manage the level of glucose. As per the suggestion of Vetsulin site, the dose should of 0.5 IU insulin/kg of body weight. The dose should be injected during or after the meal. However, before taking up the dose, visit a vet and follow the given prescription. Depending on the health of the dog, it might require two doses of insulin, while some dogs might require only one. If you are aware of the methods of injecting the insulin then this method can be followed at home. However, if that's not possible then a qualified veterinarian can always help. However, the health of any living being depends a lot on the diet. Hence, along with medications, moderate diet is essential.

Third most important aspect is to look after the lifestyle of your dog. Providing the dog with better lifestyle from the beginning, can prevent from inducing insulin into your dog's system. Lifestyle largely depends on eating habits and hygiene. Introduce some healthy foods into your dog's diet and spend some quality time with the pet. Taking the dog for a walk or playing with it can keep it physically active to stay healthy. A healthy lifestyle can prevent and cure many medical conditions.

Every medical treatment comes at a certain price. Treating the dog with insulin or test, too, is not an exception. In case there is a need for undertaking insulin or any tests for treating the disease, the prices are as follows: stabilizing the dog's health will at least cost a $100. To treat the diabetes in dogs, human and pork insulin are commonly used. Human insulin comes at a price of $67 per month, while pork insulin costs $49 per month.

If the dog is detected with diabetes, study the ways of how to treat diabetes in dogs. Dogs cannot express like humans. Therefore, the owner of the dog has to be more attentive to notice the signs of disease in his dog. In case of any suspicious signs, seek immediate help from the veterinarian and take up the most beneficial preventive measures for your dog and watch it live a happy life.